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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Spirit Mountain’s alpine coaster offers thrills and beautiful views of Lake Superior

DULUTH, Minn. — When people think of Spirit Mountain in Duluth, they think of downhill skiing. But that’s not the only downhill thrill you’ll find there.
“We love looking at the different seasons and how we excel in it,” said Jon Regenold, Spirit Mountain Recreation Area. “The full name is the Timber Twister, Alpine Coaster.”           
The twister has been on the mountain for nearly 15 years. It’s more than a half mile long and it takes about seven minutes to reach the end.
“In order to go forward you push forward. In order to slow down you pull back, and to stop you really pull back,” said Regenold.
You’re in your own cart, controlling your own speed, zipping through the beautiful Duluth hillside. From the very top to the very bottom is about 500 vertical feet.
Unlike traditional roller coasters, there’s no machine involved, just gravity. And instead of speeding through an amusement park, you’re speeding through a forest with beautiful North Shore views along the way.
“The thing that differentiates the coaster is the fact that you are actually attached to the rails,” said John Regenold, Spirit Mountain Recreation Area. “Amazing views, you are in control of it.”
Once you get to the bottom, a conveyor belt brings you back to the top and it moves slowly so you get a more laid-back view compared to your trip down.
“I think it’s fun because you go as fast as you want and if you want to go fast you can lean into the corners and pop the rollers and yeah, it’s fun,” said Oliver Regenold, 12 years old.
“I like the twisty-turning things, it’s just really fun,” said Amelia Regenold, 10 years old.
And it draws a crowd. People come from across the country just to say they rode the twister. Visitors quickly learn that a day here is full of ups and downs.
“The only one in Minnesota. Alpine coasters actually have a following that people will go around the country to find other Alpine Coasters,” said Regenold. “It’s a blast and we love to welcome folks here.”
The Timber Twister runs through the third week of October.
